800 posters on high vitamin A banana and sweet potato distributed
Posted on 17. Mar, 2010 by tonyj in Growing, Women
800 Posters on high vitamin A banana and sweet potato distributed to various organisations across the country.
Vitamin A is important for nutrition – particularly for children. By growing eating staple crops that are higher than normal in Vitamin A deficiencies can be prevented. Other sources of Vitamin A include leafy greens such as pumpkin tips and slippery kabis.
The posters were produced as part of an ACIAR project that KGA is a partner in. The Banana varieties are part of PMN farmer collections in Makira and the sweet potato was collected from KGA farmer run germplasm centres. Nutritional analysis of the vitamin A was carried out in Queensland.
For more information or to request the copies for your community education program please contact Roselyn Kabu.