Visits made to 29 Poultry farmers trained by KGA
Posted on 17. Mar, 2010 by tonyj in Livestock

Young farmers in Choiseul: Village poultry can be improved genetically through cross breeding and careful farmer selection
KGAs Small Livestock team have made follow up visits to Malaita, Makira and Western provinces to 29 farmers who had received cross bred roosters from KGA. (roosters are used for cross breeding in villages in improve genetic stock of local livestock).
These farmers were selected after they completed training programs with KGA and proved themselves to be serious poultry farmers in the village.
KGA has found that follow up visits are very important – not only for monitoring – but to provide support and encouragement to farmers trying out new methods in the rural areas. These farmers are being asked by KGA to share the cross bred offspring with other farmers in their area.
For more information on cross bred roosters for crossing with village kokorako contact Michael Qwanafia at KGA or your local KGA partner.