KGA staffs attend training

Posted on 18. Nov, 2010 by in News, News KGA

By Clement Hadosaia

Under the Western Pacific NARI-ACP-EU S&T Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Technical Centre, Vanuatu of which KGA is an Associate Partner, KGA is set to benefit from a number of short training programs within the next two years.

Recently, two  KGA Program Support Officers Mrs Roselyn Kabu and Clement Hadosaia had attended two weeks of intensive training on Project Cycle Management (PCM) from 1st – 13th November 2010 at NARI, Lae, PNG. Prior to that Mrs Verlyn Lina and Mr Michael Qwanafia, had also  attended trainings in Multi-stakeholder Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) and Identifying & Prioritizing  R&D issues in September and October 2010 respectively.

The Western Pacific NARI-ACP-EU S&T Programme’s main purpose is to Build Human Resource Capacity in Science and Technology for Agricultural Development in Western Pacific Countries. It is an ACP-EU cooperation programe with specific purpose to strengthen the internal S&T capacity of ACP countries.

Participanting in the PCM training workshop are 6 from Solomon Islands, 4 from Vanuatu and 15 from PNG who are representatives of the partner institutions and associate partners, from the three western pacific melanesian countries.

As part of the training, the participants had visited Aiyura in the Western Highlands Province to see some of the research projects/ facilities undertaken by NARI Aiyura, the Coffee Industry Corporation and the Aiyura Tissue Culture Laboratory.

The training was facilitated by Dr. Dave Askin of Kilu Consultants in collaboration with NARI.

PCM participants

Participants listening to the Coffee field Manager

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