ALP & KGA Renew Partnership Agreement

Posted on 25. Jun, 2010 by in News KGA

By Clement Hadosaia

The AusAID Agriculture Livelihoods Program (ALP) and Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) on Wednesday 23 June 2010, signed a partnership agreement for the next 5 months period to 31 October 2010.

Under the partnership agreement, ALP will provide SBD 2.08 million to support KGA to implement its current “Strengthening Food Security for Rural Livelihoods” program. The agreement is an extension of two previous agreements for the program and will fund part of year 2 activities.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, ALP Team Leader Mr Peter Wood said:  ALP is happy to support KGA in delivering its activities that would contribute to the Australian and Solomon Islands governments long term aim of improving rural livelihoods and food security. KGA had made considerable effort over the past 12 months of the program, despite the geographical location of partners in the country and challenges to meet the farmers and donor expectation, he added.

In thanking ALP and AusAID for their continuous support, KGA Program Coordinator Mr Jack Kalisto assured the donor partner’s that KGA will fulfil the expectation of the program under its current approach of working with the rural based partners. Although there are challenges and issues out there, we believe we shall overcome them with constant support from those that we work with including our donor partners, said Kalisto. He wish to maintain the current close working relationship to poster greater understanding between the parties involved.

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