Marketing & value adding
Component Objective: To increase capability of village enterprises to process & market agricultural commodities for local & export sales.
It is well recognised that there are immense problems for farmers wishing to sell their products in Honiara and/or other towns. It is also realised that to be successful farmers need to improve their skills in business management, taking a market-chain approach. Some success has been achieved in adding value to agriculture produce – chips from banana and root crops, in particular and some jams – and the enthusiasm for these endeavours needs to be further encouraged with KGA testing new methods and technologies, and ensuring farmers have access to market information, improved organisational, financial and literacy skills.
In general, converting perishable produce into lighter, less perishable and more valuable products, has potential, and there are economies of scale to be had if producers work together in reaching the market. But people lack business skills, have difficulty in obtaining credit and also in managing money. Much training is required, as well as a need to learn from the work that has been done |
Outputs |
1. Develop KGA business plan for income generation capacity
2. Submit Organic PGS standards to PMN members and consumers
3. Mapping of existing and planned road, wharf, and mobile phone access /coverage to PMN members to inform new interventions
4. Educating farmers about the market
5. PSOs and Partner Coordinators receive marketing education and understand value chains
6. Market Survey reports and plans for required technical and marketing training for partners & respond to partner requests
7. Farmer Fresh is operating as a business
8. Honiara based PMN network established with market links and strengthened access to KGA services
Ronstard Gapu is the manager responsible for delivery of marketing and processing services to partners and farmers.