Capacity building

Partner capacity building & networking

Component Objective: To improve capacity of KGA-partner organisations & networks to provide advice and information to rural households.

PMN lead farmers from different provinces join a meeting to participate in KGA planning

PMN lead farmers from different provinces join a meeting to participate in KGA planning

The services of Kastom Gaden are provided through the members of the PMN;. The PMN is the vehicle for services reaching farmers.

KGA carries out:

  • training,
  • provides seeds and other planting materials
  • and encourage sharing of information, skills, ideas and knowledge among PMN members.

It is also encouraging the formation  and support of existing producer and marketing groups and farmer schools managed by lead farmers.

For these partner organisations there will be:

  • study tours,
  • exchange visits,
  • farmer attachments and farmer-run training
  • as well as organisational development.
KGA staff, Partners and lead farmers plan the priorities for farmer service delivery and how to improve the organisation

KGA staff, Partners and lead farmers plan the priorities for farmer service delivery and how to improve the organisation

KGA resources its selected partner organisations to hire local coordinators and farmer lead staff. These coordinators facilitate linkages and strengthen local partnerships and networks in order that they, increasingly, become involved in decision making about local priorities and matters concerning program implementation.

Scoring by Rural farmers (represented by dots) on their priorities for farmer services - organisational strengthening was one of the highest scored

Scoring by Rural farmers (represented by dots) on their priorities for farmer services - organisational strengthening was one of the highest scored

In the longer term KGA aims to be the coordinating body for a network of strong, locally based farmers organisations who have the capacity and networks to deliver needed services to strengthen rural livelihoods and food security.

Claudine Watoto is responsible for managing partner capacity building and networking services for KGA.

Thecla Limai is the coordinator of the Planting Material Network housed by KGA.