Archive for 'News KGA'
KGA lead trainer continues training more woman in kiko stove making
Posted on 29. Jun, 2011 by roselynk.
KGA woman and nutritional health component has trained 12 trainers from partners who will be helping in runing workshop for woman in the villages on nutrition, health , sup sup and kiko stove making.
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Video for indigenous people on understanding climate change
Posted on 23. Jun, 2011 by tonyj.
ak Akon, Dayak, Indonesia: “It turns out that what is being experienced by indigenous peoples in Indonesia is the same as what other indigenous communities are experiencing in the Philippines and in Ecuador, and what they are experiencing is also caused by large-scale industries […]. Watching these films gives us new learning to help ensure we make the right choices for our peoples.”
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KGA and Kaotave RTC Signed MOU
Posted on 15. Jun, 2011 by clementh.
A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Kastom Gaden Association and Kaotave Rural Training Centre (RTC) on North East Guadalcanal was signed on Friday 10th June 2011.
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KGA Independent Review
Posted on 13. Jun, 2011 by clementh.
An AusAID hired short term consultant Ms Karen Hill had undertaken an independent review of the Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) Strengthening Food Security for Rural Livelihoods in Solomon Islands Program. The purpose of the consultancy was to revise the KGA Strengthening Food Security for Rural Livelihoods in Solomon Islands Program so that KGA is a more […]
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Kastom Gaden Association & TerraCircle Launch New Book
Posted on 30. May, 2011 by clementh.
Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) and TerraCircle Inc., of Australia launched a book called “ Petanigaki ta Siniqu ni Lauru “ or “The Forest Foods of Lauru” today at Sasamuga, Choiseul Province.
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Disable Person Engages In Backyard Gardening
Posted on 12. Apr, 2011 by clementh.
By Clement Hadosaia Many people view disability as someone who is helpless and would depend solely on their able family members and relatives for their survival. There is some truth in the sence and that depends very much on the type of disability one is in. However, the fact is that not all things are […]
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Workshop on Food Processing at Makira’s Weathercoast
Posted on 11. Apr, 2011 by clementh.
By Clement Hadosaia In spite of the distance and sometimes difficult situations, KGA’s wish to spread its services and reach out to its Planting Material Network (PMN) members in the remote part of Makira’s Weathercoast and throghout the country has continued. On March 28th – 3rd April 2011 a workshop on food processing and Juice […]