Archive for 'News KGA'

KGA staffs attend training

Posted on 18. Nov, 2010 by .


By Clement Hadosaia Under the Western Pacific NARI-ACP-EU S&T Programme in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture & Livestock, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Agricultural Research and Technical Centre, Vanuatu of which KGA is an Associate Partner, KGA is set to benefit from a number of short training programs within the next two years. Recently, two  KGA […]

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Cassava best local varieties distributed

Posted on 18. Nov, 2010 by .


KGA’s urge to improve food security by increasing crop diversity among rural households in Solomon Islands has been boosted with the distribution of eleven best local cassava varieties recently. The varieties were collected from Guadalcanal farmers and were bulked at the Henderson site over the last 8 months period. Athough they were planted around the same time, there are indications […]

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Importance of seed saving in Melanesia—the video

Posted on 12. Nov, 2010 by .


Our Seeds: Seeds Blong Yumi In September 2008 Seed Savers released “Our Seeds: Seeds Blong Yumi”, a 57 minute documentary that celebrates traditional food plants the people that grow them. Kastom Gaden Association lead farmers feature in the video where they share their experiences of looking after the crop biodiversity of Melanesia. Preview of the 3 minute […]

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KGA trains women in simple technology to reduce fire wood use in cooking

Posted on 28. Oct, 2010 by .


Those changes give better changes in your life and help to keep your environment. You might think that you need money to pay materials to make stove. No, you don’t need any money. Materials can be collected around you. So you just get ready to work.

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Young People Trained in Organic Farming

Posted on 02. Sep, 2010 by .


After the training the youths go back to their home villages and are now helping the woman’s group in each of their community to set up their own gardens practicing the skills in organic farming that they have learned during the training

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Artificial Islanders Learn New Ways To Grow Vegetables

Posted on 01. Sep, 2010 by .


Despite the onslaught of sea level rise due to climate change that is slowly eating away parts of the shore lines of our beautiful islands, the artificial islanders of Taluabu are adamant and determined to stay on in their ancestral man-made beautiful islands.

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KGA & Partners Ends Planning Meeting

Posted on 27. Aug, 2010 by .


KGA staff and representatives of its 10 rural based partners ends a 3 days planning and consultation meeting today.

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