Archive for 'News PMN'

Plant Genetic Resources Training Attachment Program

Posted on 20. Jan, 2012 by .


Six participants from the three western pacific country’s of Papua New Guinea,Vanuatu and Solomon Islands had recently completed a two months job attachment programe organised by the Western Pacific-NARI-EU-ACP S&T Programme in PNG .

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KGA contacting all PMN members

Posted on 19. Jan, 2012 by .


The 3014 members of the PMN should expect to receive a letter from PMN in the next few weeks if they have not received it already.

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KGA has signed a three-year agreement with the Australian Government

Posted on 23. Sep, 2011 by .


Respected local NGO, Kastom Gaden Association and the Australian Government have signed a three-year agreement that will provide thousands of families throughout Solomon Islands with improved varieties of food crops and advice on more effective farming methods and family nutrition.

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KGA and Kaotave RTC Signed MOU

Posted on 15. Jun, 2011 by .


A memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Kastom Gaden Association and Kaotave Rural Training Centre (RTC) on North East Guadalcanal was signed on Friday 10th June 2011.

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KGA Independent Review

Posted on 13. Jun, 2011 by .


An AusAID hired short term consultant Ms Karen Hill had undertaken an independent review of the Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) Strengthening Food Security for Rural Livelihoods in Solomon Islands Program. The purpose of the consultancy was to revise the KGA Strengthening Food Security for Rural Livelihoods in Solomon Islands Program so that KGA is a more […]

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Kastom Gaden Association & TerraCircle Launch New Book

Posted on 30. May, 2011 by .


Kastom Gaden Association (KGA) and TerraCircle Inc., of Australia launched a book called “ Petanigaki ta Siniqu ni Lauru “ or “The Forest Foods of Lauru” today at Sasamuga, Choiseul Province.

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Disable Person Engages In Backyard Gardening

Posted on 12. Apr, 2011 by .


By Clement Hadosaia Many people view disability as someone who is helpless and would depend solely on their able family members and relatives for their survival. There is some truth in the sence and that depends very much on the type of disability one is in. However, the fact is that not all things are […]

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