Tag Archives: Joini Tutua

Japan envoy visits Joini Tutuas organic farm in Honiara

Posted on 15. Mar, 2010 by .


From Solomon Star Newspaper: SATURDAY, 13 MARCH 2010 12:06J JAPANESE charge d’affaires Akira Iwanade on Tuesday visited the Zai Nai Tina Organic Research and Demonstration Farm at Burns Creek in east Honiara. Mr Iwanade said he made the visit out of curiousity. He said he decided to take the visit after a fellow Japanese told him […]

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PMN 2009 National Farmers Conference report released

Posted on 12. Mar, 2010 by .


From a report by Inia Barry, Thecla Vapusy & Esther Ririmae: The last PMN conference was held six years ago in 2003 and so it was exciting for members to attend a PMN conference in 2009. The seventy or so lead farmer participants for the 2009 event came from all over the Solomon’s. The farmer […]

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