Integrated Pest Management

cover of integrated pest manual

Integrated Pest Management
Training Tools for Pacific Island Communities 2003

…produced by Kastom Gaden Association and compiled by Roselyn Kabu Maemouri

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This book has been written for community extension workers, government field officers and non-government organisations.

The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for North Malaita Project and this book, which represents one of its outputs, aimed to teach people about old and new knowledge regarding ways to manage insect pests in food gardens on North Malaita.

Combining old and new methods and sharing knowledge and skills may lead to truly sustainable ways of managing the insects which reduce crop productivity.

This may also help farmers avoid the use of synthetic pesticides which destroy the balance of nature and which are so expensive that farmers often cannot afford to buy them.

Natural pest management presents a cheaper solution and does not damage the soil and natural environment.

I have worked with the Kastom Garden Program since 1995 and started to develop the integrated pest management project in 1998.

Local farmers have trialed methods of integrated pest management and have helped with the workshops that have formed part of the participatory process of the project.

…Roselyn Kabu Maemouri